Hello World!

November 11, 2018

1 min read


Photo by Ruediger Theiselmann on Unsplash

I know the title of the post is a bit common, but can’t help it. “Hello, world!” means a lot to us programmers. It’s how we begin learning a new language, that is the first step of our learning journey. It’s a perfect title for the inception of my blogging journey.

Why this blog?

The blog will act as a journal of the things I have learnt, have to learn. This way I can refer to my content when needed. My experiences might help someone out.

What will this blog be about?

The blog will feature tech articles, tutorials, things I have learnt(the hard way at times). I plan to post these kinds of post every Sunday and later increase the frequency, variety of posts.

That’s it for this post, I hope you enjoy these posts and if you find them helpful do share them.